People’s Rural Education Movement (PREM) is a secular, humanitarian, non-political and non-governmental organization working for the development of Adivasi (indigenous), Dalit, Fisher folk and other marginalized communities of Odisha and neighbouring states of India.
PREM is registered as a Voluntary Society under the Societies Registration Act of India. PREM is an accredited member of the Credibility Alliance of NGOs in India.
The primary objectives of PREM’s development programmes are to spread education, improve healthcare, implement livelihood initiatives, build capacity for good governance, and promote and protect the rights of children among marginalized communities. PREM places an emphasis on innovation for meeting the needs to empower and transform the people.
Mother Tongue Based Multi-Lingual Early Childhood Resource Center of PREM (MT ML ECE)

Resource centre is a Learning centre as well as an Information Hub: The resource center would help different stake holders of the state as well as India to understand what is Mother Tongue Based Multi-Lingual Early Childhood Education, How we will include this in the present ICDS program, what would be the teaching and learning materials for transaction of the mother tongue-based multilingual early childhood education in the existing ICDS centres of tribal areas, basic information about different tribal groups of states and India and it will also provide basic information about different existing government policies, schemes and services related to Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE)

PREM Celebrates 40 Years of Commitment

Programme Highlights

Odisha State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (OSCPCR), in collaboration with child rights organisations, EDUCO and PREM organized a state-level consultation on the prevention of child marriage and child labour in Bhubaneswar, Odisha on November 24, 2021. The consultation saw the participation of over 120 comprising of child protection officials, CSO representatives, relevant experts, agencies, networks, activists, civil society organizations working on child labour and child marriage issues, government representatives and subject specialists.

The volunteer organisation Help Berhampur Breath in association with PREM donated an X-Ray on the wheel and an Ambulance to City Hospital Berhampur in the presence of Honorable District Collecter Ganjam Mr. Vijay Amruta Kulange and MLA Berhampur Mr. Bikram Panda and President PREM, Dr. Jacob Thundyil.
Response to COVID-19

PREM in association with Azim Premji Philanthropic Initiative (APPI), UNFPA, and other agencies has undertaken many activities to save the lives and livelihood of vulnerable families especially the tribal communities and migrant people during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. During this process PREM has sensitized 25000 families, distributed ration kits to 1465 vulnerable and migrant families, distributed clothes which includes (1 Saree, 1 Towel & 1 Lungi) and Seed packets to the 386 migrant and vulnerable families of Dantaling village of Asurbandh Gram Panchayat of Sorada of Ganjam District, Odisha. There were 44 windows and 12 widowers in these 386 families. Distributed 5000 dry food packets and water bottles to 5000 migrant brothers and sisters who were going to their native states in the highway by foot/walk and helped them to reach their destination states by providing transportation. Distributed 7000 sanitary kits (which includes -2 Lifebuoy Soaps, 1 Bucket, 1 Mug, 1 Face towel big size, 2 Full masks double cotton) to the 7000 numbers of PVTG (Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group) families of Gajapati and Rayagada District during COVID-19 pandemic lockdown situation.
Field Case Studies

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Our Programme

Achhi Aadat Awareness Campaign

PREM, together with NACDIP—a National level tribal people’s network of India—in collaboration with IJK, New Delhi with the support of JICA—a Japanese organization—has organized an awareness campaign on ACHHI AADAT (Good Habitshji) on 2nd October 2021 on the eve of Gandhi Jayanti in 101 locations of 12 states of India—Odisha, Andhra Pradesh(South), West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Chhatisgarh, Kerala, Bihar, Tamil Nadu, Rajastan, Telengana—where we reached 12,143 people.
Similarly, on the eve of Global Hand Washing day, we organized awareness camps on handwashing in 117 locations in the above 12 states where we reached 10,423 people.
The purpose of organizing these camps were to create awareness on handwashing, nail cutting, using mask always, and keeping social distance during this pandemic. In the above awareness program children, adolescents, youths, women, PRI members, AWW, Asha workers, and Govt. officials participated. On these two important days, this campaign has given a good message to everyone to keep clean our surroundings and ourselves during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Letter of Appreciation

Avenues of Adivasi Girls' Empowerment

Model Village

Creating model villages is one of the dream projects of PREM. Creating model village is not a one man or one day job, it take times and needs involvement of many stakeholders especially community people. At present PREM in association with the communities has created 100 model villages in its project operational area.

Our Achievement
Children have got Education Support (60% are Girls) | Children have got Placement | Women have received Life Skill & IGP Training | Youth have undergone with Leadership Training |
100000 | 6000 | 42500 | 39338 |
Districts | Blocks | Villages | Families | Population |
8 | 65 | 1280 | 64000 | 256000 |
Our Past Reach in Odisha Through Network | Our Past Reach in India Through Network |
22 Districts of Odisha
Covering 20,00000 Beneficiaries | 12 States of India
Covering 50,00000 Beneficiaries |